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Judged by WhatsApp Forwards

Lately, I've felt judged.

Yes, I am a “helicopter parent”. Better a helicopter parent, than a dead child, maimed child or raped child, what say?

"Benign neglect". Hmmmmmmm. Let's see. I'm a product of that. How did I fare? The children of "pushy parents" from when I was a kid have by now established a world for themselves. While I, of intelligence without ambition (which, by the way, is like a bird without wings, did You know?) am still "in process" ... So, no. I do not buy this one either.

Yes, it's true that "parenting" is a new word. It did not exist before our generation. But how about us? Do we exist in our generation? Or before our generation? Last I know, the "Ancient Indians knew Time-travel"- machine had not yet been dug up from our stupendous past! & even if it had been, I'm not much a fan of being a child bride, a 3rd wife , a Sati ... 

No, thank you. I am gonna live in this generation. & I'm gonna prepare my child for what is my assumption of the coming generation.I do not KNOW what it will be, I am not Alvin Tofler, am I?

All around, I felt judged. Which was weird. Because, I have a very, (VERY), co-operating husband, awesome in-laws, amazing parents, incredibly cool colleagues(touchwood), friends when I need them! (actually, touchwood all around!!!) So who the hell is judging me? Why do I feel constantly judged? It's an uneasy feeling, which brings out the “rebel-without-a-cause” in me!!!

Beauty & harmony. Let go. Transcendence. ... advice, & preachvertisements. Analogies, & allegories. True stories, & ancient fables. To help me be “a better me”. Why? Do you ever stop & reflect? Why do random strangers need me to be a better me? Why am I not enough? Why all this “lifestyle education”?

After puzzling for a long time, I realized that !!!!!! Yesssssss!!! (Read the title to this write-up!) Keep it coming, guys & babes! Daadis & Taus!! Self-styled spiritual gurus & one-book psychoanalysts!!! Now that I know WHO I am facing, I am prepared. I need to have my financial independence. I also need “Mumma-baby time”, “couple-time”, time for the needs of the 2 sides of my family, & then, yes, I need some “me-time”,  some crafting, some activism.

A spic-n-span house ? ? ??? It's a luxury for "other people. An uncluttered Zen mind-space? ..... Umm! It's me you're talking to?

In my me-time I read & re-read Agatha Christie. THAT is my meditation.


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I started out studying Rehabilitation. Drifted to Management. Was employed with private firms for 3 yrs... Break ke baad - Now I'm married, & have a baby girl. I'm working in Non-life Insurance, Public Sector. (Still miss clinics) My political blog is purely my opinions. About almost everything that affects us. Or someone. My personal blog is my humble attempt at humour, by being sarcastic, & I personally know people way more witty than myself ....................
