
All my Public writing

Judged by WhatsApp Forwards

Lately, I've felt judged.

Yes, I am a “helicopter parent”. Better a helicopter parent, than a dead child, maimed child or raped child, what say?

"Benign neglect". Hmmmmmmm. Let's see. I'm a product of that. How did I fare? The children of "pushy parents" from when I was a kid have by now established a world for themselves. While I, of intelligence without ambition (which, by the way, is like a bird without wings, did You know?) am still "in process" ... So, no. I do not buy this one either.

Yes, it's true that "parenting" is a new word. It did not exist before our generation. But how about us? Do we exist in our generation? Or before our generation? Last I know, the "Ancient Indians knew Time-travel"- machine had not yet been dug up from our stupendous past! & even if it had been, I'm not much a fan of being a child bride, a 3rd wife , a Sati ... 

No, thank you. I am gonna live in this generation. & I'm gonna prepare my child for what is my assumption of the coming generation.I do not KNOW what it will be, I am not Alvin Tofler, am I?

All around, I felt judged. Which was weird. Because, I have a very, (VERY), co-operating husband, awesome in-laws, amazing parents, incredibly cool colleagues(touchwood), friends when I need them! (actually, touchwood all around!!!) So who the hell is judging me? Why do I feel constantly judged? It's an uneasy feeling, which brings out the “rebel-without-a-cause” in me!!!

Beauty & harmony. Let go. Transcendence. ... advice, & preachvertisements. Analogies, & allegories. True stories, & ancient fables. To help me be “a better me”. Why? Do you ever stop & reflect? Why do random strangers need me to be a better me? Why am I not enough? Why all this “lifestyle education”?

After puzzling for a long time, I realized that !!!!!! Yesssssss!!! (Read the title to this write-up!) Keep it coming, guys & babes! Daadis & Taus!! Self-styled spiritual gurus & one-book psychoanalysts!!! Now that I know WHO I am facing, I am prepared. I need to have my financial independence. I also need “Mumma-baby time”, “couple-time”, time for the needs of the 2 sides of my family, & then, yes, I need some “me-time”,  some crafting, some activism.

A spic-n-span house ? ? ??? It's a luxury for "other people. An uncluttered Zen mind-space? ..... Umm! It's me you're talking to?

In my me-time I read & re-read Agatha Christie. THAT is my meditation.


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Why does anyone write? Mostly, because they cannot help it ... Speaking requires an audience. Writing does not require a readership. When I started this blog, I was new at my job, just about to get married, highly confused about what to do with life, highly dissatisfied with myself, & devoid of any "responsibilites" as they say in Indian Middle Class. Oh yes! Also, I used to imagine the populace to be divided into 3 equal thirds, economically, & the middle third was the middle class. I was a "Young adult". Now I am a middle-aged auntie. & I have found out that the lower 90% is the lower class, the top 1% is the upper class, & I am the 9%.
