
All my Public writing

क्या पाया बिटिया होके 

इन दिनों मन कुछ विचलित है।  पढ़नेवाले विचलित समझते हैं न? Disturbed. आज पुराने roomies से बात हुई।  WhatsApp पर . Roomies का हिंदी क्या है? सहवासी? कमरा-सखी?

बहरहाल हम तीनों disturbed हैं।  ज़िन्दगी उलझी हुई है।  किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़। बात चली की क्या SAHM - गृहवधू ज़्यादा खुश हैं? क्या वो सुलझे हुए हैं?

बात यह भी चली क्या  पुरुष होना ज़्यादा खुशहाल होता है? होता होगा। पर मुझे अपनी ज़िन्दगी का एक भी दिन, एक भी पल याद नहीं जब मैंने मादा होने की जगह पुरुष होना चाहा हो।

इसका मातृत्व से कुछ भी लेना देना नहीं है। Parent होने के लिए शरीर में धरना ज़रूरी नहीं, और ये सिर्फ गोद  लेने वाले माता-पिता की बात नहीं , कहीं बुआ माँ होती  है, कहीं नानी , तो कहीं कोई headmaster पिता -  बस होते हैं , कोई उन्हें बनाता नहीं।

 नहीं, बिटिया होना ज़्यादा है। ज़्यादा क्या? ज़्यादा सबकुछ। ज़्यादा विद्रोही। ज़्यादा रंगीन। ज़्यादा गंभीर। ज़्यादा चपल। ज़्यादा गहरा। ज़्यादा भंगुर। (भंगुर means fragile) कौन कम गहरा होना चाहेगा? कम  रंगीन, कम  दिलचस्प ? कम ज़िम्मेदार , उथला? हाँ , कम भंगुर  होना अच्छा रहता।

कल्पना कीजिये वो ज़िन्दगी के जब ऑंखें भर आएं तो कोई टोके - "क्या लड़कियों की तरह रोते  हो"
अगर माँ  की, पत्नी  की, दोस्त की  मदद रसोई में कर दें , तो दयापात्र, जोरू का गुलाम, और लड़की -पटाऊ कहलाएं।

कल्पना कीजिये वो ज़िन्दगी जहां बच्चे  को Science Fairs, School Fetes में, ... Park में football खेलने, कीचड में खेलने,... Music class, Karate Class, pottery class में, Mall में, Water Park में , ... कोई और लेकर जाता है - कोई भी और, पर आप नहीं, क्योंकि , अगर आप office से यों  जब-तब छुट्टी लें, जल्दी निकल लें , तो नौकरी से ही हाथ धो बैठें!

कल्पना कीजिये वो ज़िन्दगी कि  जब भी किसी की समस्या सुनें, तो बस दो ही विकल्प हों - हल प्रदान करना, या झेंप जाना। हल न दे पाने खुद ही असमर्थ महसूस करना। यह कभी न जानना - कि  सुनना - और समझना ही एक मदद है

कल्पना कीजिये ज़िन्दगी भर  पैंट-शर्ट या कुर्ता-जीन्स में बिताना ... कभी, ज़िन्दगी में एक बार भी, साड़ी न पहनना

वो ज़िन्दगी कम है। कम से काम नहीं चलता।

Worst terror strike in the history of Kashmir

Quite the epitome of human inhumanity.

A terror strike is considered highest form of crime  by many, as "the many" consider humans highest organisms, & thus the killing of humans, in multitude is a crime of magnitude. Also, the many consider that humans, while killing, should have considered a kind of solidarity, or brotherhood with other humans ( those these same many snub their noses at many kinds of "inferior" humans in their time) & thus are shocked as to how humans kill humans.

However, terror strikes are truly heinous. This is because terrorists work on the principle of terror, of ruling by terror, of getting for themselves what they want, by killing, destroying, & controlling the minds of the living, by terror. How much worse can a goal be? To live for no other purpose than to be the most comfortable being, by deliberately & systematically making others suffer. To live for a length of time, with the sole agenda to increase that length of time.

Or perhaps, to die in a glory. The glory of killing multitudes. What a futile life. The very opposite of touching lives for betterment, destroying & annihilating, tearing apart, & laying waste, waste which does not feed nature, destruction which does not beget new creation. For some kind of "Greater Good". Legacy of land conquested & rule established left behind for living "relatives". To one's clan, which is in the mind of the suicide killer, the worthiest, the most entitled, the rightful owners of every privilege. & he is facilitating it.

How does one really stop terror? Is it at all possible to stop or prevent any kind of human negativity, or human-made destruction? Is it not simply a part of human character to assert superiority over nature, other organisms, other people, other ideologies? By destruction, of course, how else.

Hello my place!

Where I belong!
Where are you?
Or rather, since you are a place, which are you?
You with my trees -
Neem & Jamun, Amaltaas & Palaash, Kachnaar & Shareefa ...
Squirrels & sparrows, Neelkanths & mongoose ...
A little pool? At the base of the handpump,
& the base of the earth furrows.
Surrounded only by wire mesh fence.
Grashoppers, "Sui"s, frogs.
Perhaps snakes?
& my ampersands.
How do I find you?
You, With my ivory tower
My vertical abode with just one room per floor,
& the rest of you covered by those trees ...
How old are the trees now?
Oh! Sorry!
I didn't plant them yet?
How do I buy you, my place?
& who are my neighbours?
Your neighbours, OUR neighbours?
Are they human?
Humans are always hungry.
Hungry for more land.
Hungry for more rooms.
More cars, which need more parking.
Never mind me, my place,
My home, my heart, my soul,
If I find you,
You will no longer be safe.

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About Me

Why does anyone write? Mostly, because they cannot help it ... Speaking requires an audience. Writing does not require a readership. When I started this blog, I was new at my job, just about to get married, highly confused about what to do with life, highly dissatisfied with myself, & devoid of any "responsibilites" as they say in Indian Middle Class. Oh yes! Also, I used to imagine the populace to be divided into 3 equal thirds, economically, & the middle third was the middle class. I was a "Young adult". Now I am a middle-aged auntie. & I have found out that the lower 90% is the lower class, the top 1% is the upper class, & I am the 9%.
