
All my Public writing


The Right to Education Bill, 2008
Highlight point 2 says
No child shall be held back, expelled, or required to pass a board examination until the completion of elementary education. Schools may not screen applicants during admission or charge capitation fees. A child who completes elementary education shall be awarded a certificate.
My head is spinning.
While the flaws mentioned here are significant, they are certainly of debatable philosophy.
Meanwhile it is difficult to laud "such bold steps as scrapping of class X board exams"
Already, automatic promotion till Class V plays havoc with children's progress.
A child who completes elementary education shall be awarded a certificate??
Exactly WHAT is the criterion of a child COMPLETING elementary education?
Tests & their results, right? Here we are talking of eliminating all tests & all results. As if they are the cause of our poor educational system!
Will "COMPLETING ELEMENTARY EDUCATION" consist of Attendance in school from age 6 to 14?
Please Mr Ministry of HRD !! Education is poor due to poor resource distribution & poor teachers, not Due to test & results - these, for heaven's sake are indicators! You are cutting off your own eyes & ears !!!
If a child's sense of self-worth is important, is real ACQUIRING of knowledge not?
By continuously erasing formal testing, we are left with no ways to assess the "learning" of student, nor capability (qualification or logistical) of teacher.
In such a situation which denies any verification, how is ACCREDITATION going to be unbiased?

p.s. ; unfamiliar with "Doodh-bhaat"? Check it out!


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Why does anyone write? Mostly, because they cannot help it ... Speaking requires an audience. Writing does not require a readership. When I started this blog, I was new at my job, just about to get married, highly confused about what to do with life, highly dissatisfied with myself, & devoid of any "responsibilites" as they say in Indian Middle Class. Oh yes! Also, I used to imagine the populace to be divided into 3 equal thirds, economically, & the middle third was the middle class. I was a "Young adult". Now I am a middle-aged auntie. & I have found out that the lower 90% is the lower class, the top 1% is the upper class, & I am the 9%.
