
All my Public writing

Life as a cliche'

How does it feel to be a mother?
Well! Big question! Very philosophical! Motherhood is a very heavy word. Has the air of sacrifice above all else.
For all the world, I certainly do not feel sacrificial!

For the time being I'll leave the experience of "motherhood", & rather tell you my experience of the phenomenon "baby"
Next few posts are about this phenomenon.

Baby feels good
Yes, "good" with a smiley!
I feel all buttery elated when I watch her.
When she's swaddled (bundled up), lying between my body & my hand, I feel her movements that I used to feel inside my tummy.
I feel relief that I had a live healthy baby.
I feel a (yet) undescribable feeling that this is mine.
I feel that this is a source of happiness right next to me, something I can only describe as a Bundle of life.


Madhuri Srinivasan September 12, 2011 at 9:57 AM  

good good
buttery elated?? do u melt too? tear up?

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About Me

Why does anyone write? Mostly, because they cannot help it ... Speaking requires an audience. Writing does not require a readership. When I started this blog, I was new at my job, just about to get married, highly confused about what to do with life, highly dissatisfied with myself, & devoid of any "responsibilites" as they say in Indian Middle Class. Oh yes! Also, I used to imagine the populace to be divided into 3 equal thirds, economically, & the middle third was the middle class. I was a "Young adult". Now I am a middle-aged auntie. & I have found out that the lower 90% is the lower class, the top 1% is the upper class, & I am the 9%.
